
Monday, February 5, 2018

Register for TEXPERS' 29th Annual Conference on South Padre Island April 15-18!

Review the updated agenda, register,
and make your plans today!

As Texas retirement system trustees navigate through a sea of investment, administrative and governance priorities in 2018, TEXPERS is here to help with the best bang for your networking and educational buck. The TEXPERS Annual Conference will help you chart your organization's course in 2018 and beyond.

What's new at the Annual Conference?
Visit the website and download the preliminary agenda for details

 ·    Advanced Trustee Training: Ethical Decision Making and a Deep Dive into Stocks and Bonds (provides four hours of PRB CE credit)

 ·    Running Better Board Meetings - pre-conference workshop for non-golfers (no additional charge). (provides two hours for PRB CE credit)

·    Member Beach Party!

·    Conference topics include: global economic outlook, ESG, leadership, fund staffing, corporate governance, cyber-security concerns, minimizing the cost of DROPs and much more! (provides several hours of PRB CE credit)

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